The first half of this film, set hundreds of years ago, shows how the old man who eventually became Santa Claus was given immortality and chosen to deliver toys to all the children of the world. The second half moves into the modern era, in which Patch, the head elf, strikes out on his own and falls in with an evil toy manufacturer who wants to corner the ****** and eliminate S...
Clash-Cash-Car 2013-02-01
我只能 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 真是太搞笑了 这真不是要搞怪 这确实是要拍摄一个正片 过年用 换做我国的过年 这部片就得是 财神爷跳着舞拿着炮仗和年兽打架了 多么愚蠢的题材 只能帮助人类理解什么叫 一维度的大脑