《微不足道》又名My Wee Nothing。
The story is about the impossibility to reconcile welfare with preserving good. It is a peep into a world, where love has been replaced by vile passions; a world of fear and richness, of violence and lies, of physical power and spiritual frailty. A renowned Businessman of the Year, Kosta Keikenov happened to cross the path of a young woman teacher of French, Neli Kodeva. Waging...
——《未来电影》米歇尔·托马斯Michelle Thomas:整部影片喋喋不休的剧本和不顾一切只为搞笑的格调很快就会令观众生厌。
——《综艺》杂志德里克·艾里Derek Elley:如果有本书的名字是《勒索存在的假人》,在《微不足道》中这群倒霉蛋也许还没有读过它。