American Vagabond is a cinematic feature documentary about *** youth living without a home in the shadows of a promised ****. It's a story about a modern Western society in which homosexuality is still so demonized in some communities that some parents are ready to abandon their children over it. One out of every **** young people who are coming out to their parents is kicked o...
livinglow 2013-11-24
2013/11/23 顶多就是一部同志情侣的生活片段汇总,远谈不上展现同志流浪者群体的生存状态。即使是这对情侣,对Tyler的着墨也太少,对James家庭的态度转变也没细谈。另外,James连门都没关就急着和别人干事进了**,回头和Tyler跟没事似的隔着窗户玩小甜蜜是个什么意思。
Ace_Lost 2015-09-04