《关于爱情那些事》又名All You Need Is Love、Pro lyubov。
It is a feature-length film consisting of various novellas about love, about the relations between men and women in the ****, about such things that all people talk about, pretending at the same time that they are not the main thing in life. The novellas are not linked one with another by storyline or by actors, but they are brought together by the a lecture about love. The lec...
Writing Cities 2016-09-27
颠三儿不能明白 2016-11-20
Estrella 2017-05-16
找到啦~在飞机上看的 喜欢那个把女朋友喷绘在城市各个角落的大叔
vivi 2016-05-18
这一次Anna Melikyan**玩得出彩,音乐也选得不错,cosplay/纸飞机/日露恋/三颗心/最后一段不知叫什么好。最喜欢第一段,像“水仙女”一般神经质的癫。
MovArc 2024-02-04
Yuliya.Snigir 4星 Alexandra.Bortich 3星 Kristina.Isaykina 5星 Renata.Litvinova 无 3星
- 2016-09-17
好像很厉害的样子 但是真的呵呵哒
DBDB 2016-09-03
CamelliaHong 2017-02-23
Saki痛苦填坑中 2024-08-21
宁檬果维C 2016-08-09
类似心理学课程 研究爱情与多巴胺 头脑 想法 身体 人性 世界观等等之间的关联 很直接