Earth: The Operator’s Manual Episode 3 – Energy Quest USA The military is the United States’s single largest user of energy and it recognizes that its use of fossil fuels has to change. Just im agine: the Pentagon uses over 300,000 barrels of oil each day. Both the Army and the Marines are looking into how to decrease the number of convoys trucking in fuel and water. By 2016,...
Covfefe 2020-06-17
第三**国能源需求:**斯加Kodiak的风力发电和粉红三文鱼,地热资源,人们为了要鲸油捕鲸太多;得克**的石油开采,Methane气作为能源;堪**Iola,圣公会教堂的灯泡,太阳能;巴尔的摩Park Hights运动,户到户节约能源;俄勒冈波特兰的公共交通,自行车回归,物流运输中的创新。里面有一句话:Good things doesn't happen by accident. 很环保的PBS纪录片。