Inge Herold is in her mid-thirties. She is divorced and lives with her 15-year-old son. She works as a psychologist and social worker and is involved with a married man. Suddenly, Inge finds out she may have breast cancer, which would mean an operation the very next day. The 24 hours before the planned surgery puts her under enormous psychological pressure and she begins to ree...
iamface 2019-01-13
和Cleo from 5 to 7不同的是本片較為寫實而cleo就是以較跳脫什至乎是藝術方式去檢視生活,氣氛來說本片較為正常和合適,整個節奏處理和演技等等也沒什麼差錯,非常完整及公整的格局,不安壓抑等等也如實表現,久不久出現的時鐘也發揮出其應有的象徵意義,滿成熟並以女性角度出發的東德電影,值一看
柠阿檬 2019-01-13