A Wrestler and his ex-Wife (Noah Young and Fay Holderness) try to con a recently-discharged Sailor (Clyde Cook) out of 4 years' pay. When they learn that he lost the money in a 'shell ****', they put him to work in the hazardous *** of a High Steel Worker, and insure him against accident, then try to see that he has one.
杨浦小囡 2017-09-22
UlyssessV 2022-03-14
塵月 2018-12-31
剧情跳脱、脑洞大开的默片**喜剧,20分钟一波三折,几个桥段甚至让人觉得误入了动作片片场(喜剧片的主角都是耐艹的小强 lol)