Roistering sea captain Jonathan Clark, who poaches seal pelts from Russian Alaska, meets and woos Russian countess Marina in 1850 San Francisco. Events separate them, but after an exciting sea race to the Pribilof Islands they meet again; now, both are in danger from the schemes of villainous Prince Semyon. Written by Rod Crawford 新电影集合用心做网站,真诚到永远。本视频内容来自第三方网站,其版权归合作网站或第三方网站所有!
megaclubdiolis 2021-03-03
2.5 前半段好拖沓...派克长相太正直了,不像这种身上略带点匪气的船长。脸谱化的毛子角色导致观感奇差。*设不错的,女主裙子一条比一条好看。那个不是海狮吗,字幕硬说人家是海豹= =【字幕误入撕比现场,笑cry, 译者是纪录片**他爹,质量差得堪比机翻,最后*得看英了
stknight 2020-09-10
虎珀鱼 2019-06-10