《贝壳意面》又名Macaroni & Cheese。
The glamorous, screwball adventures of Carole, Camille and Sophie, three girls looking for love at a film festival. Stuck in arrested development, they’d rather hunt for men at parties than see films. Sophie desperately tries to track down a sexy up-and-coming actor, Camille dreams of a romantic idyll and Carole "just wants to get her rocks off".
OreoEmpanada 2015-09-11
普照 2015-05-18
5.18 MON ** 9:40PM 好神经啊……可又没神经里开出花儿来。差评,就像最后倒进垃圾桶的通心粉。
37.2 2020-03-25
天哪看不下去啦!!为了Louie Garrell也看不下去…… 完美揭露电影节的无聊和空虚 就算因为疫情电影节取消也不那么bitter了呵呵
小や 2020-04-15
这个food-women-men dynamic哈哈哈哈哈哈
U 2022-10-31
对这类故事ptsd了。Girly电影,很写实地拍了一个男本位行业内部的不同都市女性的情感困境,看似游刃有余,其实千疮百孔。比较反感那种场合和人的行为,真得don’t give a ****。
何重人格 2019-08-07