The discovery of a medieval fresco in the crypt of St Clare’s Parish Church brings much joy to the Reverend Martha Hillcott. The preservation and restoration of the fresco is an expensive labour of love but one with the promise of riches for the Church. However, when a body is found in the river and with the river threatening to burst its banks, St Clare is soon at crisis point...
Columbo 2014-01-10
这集比起之前Paul Logue编剧的那集叙事上有了很大进步,不过最后动机揭露得太突兀了。最近Midsomer越来越喜欢在最后一刻玩逆转了。
南柯忆梦🐳 2018-08-05
予秋 2014-02-24
快到结局时,还没想明白,凶手来的 的确有点让人措手不及。最近几季有点浮躁之感,要名星阵容,芭蕾,飞行表演,有点舍本逐末之感。
懊恼的冷鱼 2018-12-27