《Road》又名Road TT - Sucht nach Geschwindigkeit(德)、ロード/デスティニー・オブ・TTライダー(日)。
Motorcycle road racing is the most dangerous of all motor sports. A sport in which men compete at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour on closed country roads. Roads that on any other day ******* cars, buses and tractors, roads that are lined with trees, telegraph posts and stone walls, unforgiving obstacles when struck by the human body. It is a sport that has claimed many lives...
puppylpg 2021-07-31
看了一下午,哭了一下午 虽然早听说Dunlop家族在曼岛TT举世无双,真正了解之后,唯有*零,不知所言。 我很喜欢运动领域那些激动人心的故事,那里有永不言弃的信念,匪夷所思的逆转,很喜欢那些满腔热爱,鞠躬尽瘁,奉献一切,死而后已的人。我也看过一些运动、**领域的电影,震撼人心也好,波澜壮阔也罢,人类运动领域历史上有很多的传奇,但这就是最传奇的传奇,最传奇的那一个。 练压弯去了。加油ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙
少数即多数 2021-01-20
两代人,两对兄弟,付出了三个人的生命,这**才叫热爱啊。 No money, no glory, no trophy, just roads.