With Americans on all sides of the issue up in arms and Congress embroiled in a knock-down-drag-out policy battle over how to move forward, CROSSING ARIZONA tells the story of how we got to where we are today. Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed illegal border-crossers into the treacherous Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers - an estimated 4,500 a day. Mo...
Lecia 2013-05-06
一年前上Social Sciences的时候教授要求我们看了这部纪录片,讲的是****,感触非常深。"No one should have to *** in the desert for a cup of water."这是一位为这些****在沙漠里设立供水点的美国本地人说的话。
FIXYOUUUU 2013-10-23
倍儿讨厌那个Chris的得瑟样子wiki之发现今年六月因为**被捕,受害者包括自己的亲生女儿。反人道主义的人哪会正义到哪里去。高档酒店里一帮衣冠**,大喊着kick the kids out of hospital。散场一个墨西哥裔*务员进来收拾盘子,英语不好,他说把小孩赶出医院,That's a bad thing. 我眼泪都要掉下来
Alexand 2019-09-16