We take our liberties for granted. They seem absolute and untouchable. But they are the result of a series of violent struggles fought over 800 years that, at times, have threatened to tear our society apart. On the frontline was a document originally inked on animal skin – Magna Carta. Distinguished constitutional historian David Starkey looks at the origins of the ***** Chart...
安托内利方尖塔 2020-02-14
You know we came here, we see those proud phrases in which liberty and ******* and right and God and nature are plasterd over these huge marble monuments. Didn't the hypocrisy stink in your nostrils? 笑死我了23333
破旧的时光机 2019-09-01
sarah🇺🇦 2015-02-11
李莲花 2018-12-23
reneryu 2021-10-16
塔图因的白狼 2023-06-15
LIMBOYZP 2021-01-08
从约翰王签署《大宪章》,到爱德华·柯克起草《权利**书》,查理一世与国会的斗争失败走向断头台,清**乘坐五月花号把英国的宪法精神传递到了美洲,乔治王的***让美国的Founding Father们走向《****》的道路,大宪章的金质复本立在美国的国会大厦内,911**后西方世界自大宪章以来受宪法保护的自由遭受****的**......一出800年间不断演变的大宪章史话。
你拿个杯 2020-01-12
They established what half the world,including Russia to China,still lacks,that the state can't **** itself to private property at will. The sense that Megna Carta protects and defines those three key of fundamental freedoms - life,liberty and property.
荀晓 2019-07-25
H 2021-04-25
不到最后十分钟我都以为这是一部本本分分讲大宪章的历史片…大英的核心果然是坚定不移黑灯塔国,同时表达“小zei别蹦哒,***永远是***”🤣 再说逻辑线:大宪章是先烈为自由斗争的**产物,随着英国人**到美洲,你们这些英国后代在这片新大陆上把大宪章玩成什么样子啦?(佐证有最高法院的门上有詹姆士和柯克等人的铜像,国会也有大宪章**复刻本等)***我非常担心你们的自由状况啊……反**爷讲气话真的底气十足,不管自立门户几百年,你都是我大儿