《汤尼·雷恩和韩国电影的25年》又名Tony Rayns and a Quater Century of Korean、Tony Rayns, The Not-So-Distant Observer、Tony Rayns and a Quarter Century of Korean Cinema。
Prominent film critic Tony Rayns has long been a supporter of Korean cinema. This film illustrates Rayns’ affection for Korean cinema through interviews of Korean cineastes that have a special affinity for him, including JANG Sun-woo, LEE Chang-dong and HONG Sang-soo among others.
移动应用 2012-10-08
wangzhy 2024-03-01
KFC Guys 🤣 金炯求回忆他 90s 在伦敦学摄影时关于 Tony 以及第五代为代表亚洲电影的影响;奉俊昊感谢当年 Tony 给短片 Incoherence 的推荐语,同期没能被《花瓣》选择**副导组,Tony 又特意安排了一次让张善宇看到奉的机会 👍 老洪那时候还是全部黑头发黑胡子 2333 p.s. 对这类徒增谈资话佐料的花絮访谈记录类视*素材逐渐有了分别心