The young policeman Koeppe just left the academy and is transferred to a small police station in the countryside. He's a merry guy and dreams of a career, however he's not very bright. A brutal cow slayer keeps the local police perplexed. In his spare time Koeppe is struggling with his approaches towards the rich Annelie.
[已注销] 2014-09-07
冷 幽默的调调还是可以的。但剧本差口气,没把气质贯彻下去,弄个儿女情长收场很不合拍。其实好多点都可以走下去的,作为主线串起来,什么动物**啊偷车屠夫啊,都比富家女这个点好,更合适片子的格调。可惜了