记录的方式讲述了摄影师Carol Jerrems悲惨的一生。如果你知道她是谁的话。 Australian Film Institute 2005 Nominated AFI Award Best Direction in a Documentary Kathy Drayton Best Documentary Helen Bowden Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards 2005 Won FCCA Award Best Australian Short Documentary Kathy Drayton IF Awards 2005 Nominated IF Award Best Documentary Kathy Drayton (director) Helen Bowden (prod...
mecca 2017-06-07
70年代***先锋摄影师+短片作者Carol Jerrems 七年短暂的职业生涯回顾。brave & beautiful, 我们的身体、性、女性意识、直面**经历、直面致命恶疾,一一*呈于世。日记手写叠层,女性导演细腻。多格胶卷与负片暮光,最后凝视。生命之重之轻,挽歌柔和。
大大 2016-04-02
“**** is the hatred, contempt and oppression of women in this society, in one act.This sickness can be cured. In order to change, we have to change.”