Milano 2, a residential neighbourhood on the outskirts of Milan. Built between 1970 and 1979 as a utopic ****, it was Silvio Berlusconi’s first ambitious ***** *******. An area that today, at first glance could look like an anonymous suburb was once the laboratory for the imposition of a new lifestyle, which in the decades of “Berlusconism” spread at a national level and radica...
胤祥 2017-09-09
#Venice2017# 影评人周。神作啊!***或幻灯片电影的极致大概是这样了,纯粹按照建筑设计图和一天的晨昏时间顺序来结构电影。每一张***其实都是三连拍的循环播放动图效果,极其有趣。参见:****://riccardogiacconi****/index.php/works/-due/
Mmmmmm🌟 2023-07-30
形式蛮有意思的 “…大城市仍在我们身后…新社区,毫无戏剧性地除去了自己的细胞核…一个绚丽又完美的怪物…”