FOX TV: A real-life dramatic series where boyfriends/girlfriends travel to a romantic place to quiz and fascinate the strengths of their relationships. Once the location has been selected, the couples were then introduced to singles and then break-up with their former partners until the last day of their stay. Throughout the run, they each had the chance to answer questions per...
momo 2022-08-16
看了一季,本来是学点谈恋爱的英语,结果真是大跌眼镜。第一,一个人说啥真是听听就算了。有人i love you 都是批发的。第二,新感情特别好,都是因为**占很大成分,人还是要长久慢慢处。第三,关系要能改善才能长久,因为,人自己有时候根本不知道自己是什么样的人。封闭的认知模式,永远也不会work。
JS 2011-11-25
Maxwell 2019-04-12
***揭露人性啊! 真人秀实在残忍