Mikami, a Japanese soldier serving in China, is captured by the Chinese. Although he is able to escape, his troubles are far from over. He returns to his unit but is treated with contempt for the disgrace of having been captured. Mikami falls in love with Harumi, a prostitute. She tries to convince him to desert from the army, with fatal results
蛞蝓粘液 2021-03-12
夕颜 2020-02-17
威琪思君 2017-07-22
BullshitArtist 2024-06-24
Arriflex Cameras 35mm. 好几处的editing jump cut 还有old school thriller惯用的xial cut。 反正editing比故事精彩
蛾 2020-10-05
这都是些啥啊 血浆放在同年代都假的不行
Alphaswz 2022-02-11
米莉·佩金斯 BluRay版 外挂字幕 13'06''/44'06''/63'11''