It’s always luck. It’s luck that matters. You have to be receptive, that’s all. Like the relationship between things, it’s a matter of chance. If you want it, you get nothing. Just be receptive and it happens. Can one learn to look? Can one learn to have ***? That’s all that matters. Love. Not only love-******, but just plain love. Let things age!
nagoshi 2012-09-21
“1995年,Klavdij Sluban在弗勒里-梅罗吉的青少年**(在巴黎南部,欧洲最大的**)建立了一个专为青少年犯人开办的摄影***。在那里,他教授学员如何拍摄、洗印照片。他们的作品在**里定期展出。卡蒂埃-布勒松在这个项目开始的时候一年要去好几次。”
猫苦艾。 2020-05-15
随便起个名字吧 2022-06-16
Avigdor Arikha说画画那一段好喜欢啊,观察也是一种爱。 他们在说起自己喜欢的人事物的时候都闪闪发光,因为Just Plain Love.
Callvados 2016-10-08
寒青 2020-11-05
It’s always luck. It’s luck that matters. You have to be receptive, that’s all. Like the relationship between things, it’s a matter of chance. If you want it, you get nothing. Just be receptive and it happens. Can one learn to look? Can one learn to have ***? That’s all that matters. Love. Not only love-******, but just plain love. Let things age!
msyezi 2024-03-02
Hurray for idleness and old age
hy 2020-01-18
罢工的**骗子 2018-03-08
**人真的浪漫得一塌糊涂 Not only love-****** but just plain love.Love for life............................ where are we going?
snowwill 2021-12-31
“Just be receptive and it happens”
是在等风来呀 2024-08-22