Ed and Susan appear to be a normal ****** couple, however, they are far from it. They are snuff filmmakers and want to make the first ever triple feature; Three victims, three kills, all in one night. In order to provide their fans with everything you'd get on a straight DVD, they have rigged their entire house with cameras and audio for your viewing pleasure. Ed's pla
Gore赞 2019-09-20
朋克大帝 2015-09-22
****骗一男二女来家拍视* 等待他们的却是陷阱 男主人看**视** *戏打码 **不给力 伪纪录风格到是增加了点趣味
FY7 2023-02-23
。 2017-02-21
**居然** 铺垫太长 血腥度不高