《贝尼尔德》又名Benilde or the Virgin Mother、Benilde o la vergine madre。
A young girl, Benilde, so protected by her religious family that she seemingly knows nothing about procreation, insists that her mysterious pregnancy is a miracle; however, her distressed bourgeois family decides that Benilde has lost her mind.
jeremy 2019-03-19
Initially suggests Bergman arthouse but progresses into something unsettling and strangely euphoric, of figures trapped in a repressive environment and escaping through madness. De Oliveira's handling of ***** and cutting blends the theatrical and personal into an interiorized vision in which religious hysteria and carnal love become inseparable.
唐朝 2018-05-15
Muyan 2015-04-12
逃 Lundi 8 Octobre 2012 - Cycle MANOEL DE OLIVEIRA|Avec Olivier Père ensemble 7 pers
只抓住6个 2018-04-29