《电影列车》又名The Train Rolls on。
"Le train en marche", gives us an intimate insight of Medvedkin's experience with the CineTrain in Russia during the 1930's. Marker achieves once **** to delight the audience of this short documentary through a delicate selection of pictures, music and contents. It is mentioned in the movie that of all arts, cinema is the most important. Even though this claiming may be questio...
xīn 2018-01-21
【BAMPFA】2018.1.20.6pm 行驶在苏联的田野工厂间的电影-列车(cine-train),三十几人组成了从拍摄到冲洗-剪辑-放映的完整生态(circle),每人只有一平米的居住空间。用即刻-新鲜的影像来交流、批判和褒扬(来自劳动者回到劳动者)。可惜已全数遗失。
ANTHONYWONG 2023-02-27
5.0 英字。苏联集体经济下电影放映产业概览。
stknight 2013-11-03
散木 2023-07-25