《孤島上的城市》又名City on Islands。
Another movie tackling the subject of living in the ruins of Warsaw. This austere portrait of the capital of Poland consist of static images: the camera is positioned to show the new **** "logo" - The Palace of Culture and Science. However after 13 years of rebuilding Warsaw, the centre looks empty (well, it still looks empty and ugly today)
[Deleted] 2015-11-21
战后重建的华沙 1945-1958年 还是那么荒凉
切 2010-12-24
熊仔俠 2010-12-20
二戰後的華沙在社會主義建設的欣欣向榮中展現了新城市的活力,只是這種欣欣向榮並未遮蓋舊城中心的頹桓敗瓦。短片的BGM是波蘭的dark jazz,感覺夠嗲!