Lourenço is the son of Francisco Figueiredo, a soccer coach in the beginning of a very promising career. Everything goes well: Francisco's team is in the Portuguese Cup final and Lourenço is going to be class valedictorian in a very prestigious private high school. But everything starts to collapse. Francisco is fired and Lourenço must transfer to a public high school whose stu...
L'llariit 2021-03-11
父母都变成Macguffin,里面coming-of-age drama部分相对起**电影同类观感算得上新鲜
Mindy 2010-06-14
hope is a strange place。一个中年男子看似完美的中产生活,其实不堪一击。儿子在**学校常常被同学欺负,美貌强势的妻子喜欢掌控一切。不料由于投资失败,一家人不得不节衣缩食,过起贫民生活。儿子转入公立学校,妻子重新外出谋职,丈夫变得脾气暴躁,喜怒无常。一家人经历
celeste 2017-11-03