In this series, inspired by real events during World War II, the kind, intelligent and worrisome Albert Foiret runs both a café, which is the only notable public house in a small Belgian town, where locals therefore naturally mix with the Nazi occupation forces, and a just as publicity-shy (even his bed-ridden wife knows nothing) network of the Belgian resistance, devoted to th...
二战电影馆 2022-03-17
《秘密军》是由 *** 和比利时国家广播公司 BRT 制作的电视连续剧,由杰拉德·格莱斯特创作。该系列讲述了第二次世界大战期间虚构的比利时抵抗运动的故事,该抵抗组织致力于将被德国空军击落的盟军飞行员营救返回英国。