《中选之人》又名The Chosen。
A man named Jacques Mornard arrives in Mexico in 1940, claiming to be a Belgian who is fleeing the war in Europe to join his girlfriend, one of refugee Leon Trotsky's secretaries. But nobody knows that in reality this conventional and cheerful young man is in fact an agent of the GPU (Soviet Secret *******) and has been sent to assassinate Trotsky.
Hello, World! 2016-11-29
一脸着相 2017-06-28
****接班**有一颗少女心 经不出白马王子的**
AI 童趣工厂 2017-10-16
[] 2018-12-18
中选之人 El elegido (2016)/托洛茨基遇刺**/netflix官方中文字幕
Timothy 2020-02-22
謊言是一種想象 更自由 真相只是囚禁在回憶的敘述 謊言不可能在人類世界中消逝