Biddy is a wise and ****** nanny, imparting the lessons of life to her charges through poetry and homily, but after she grows older, the children she nurtured do not write letters or visit, leaving her a lonely, elderly woman. Engrossing at the beginning as Biddy and the children interact in a bygone, late 19th-century world, interest starts to flag a little when the woman ages...
作为演员,沃伦·比蒂看上去永远处于一种分心的状态——他总是对外部世界的冲突有着狂热的痴迷,而他大脑的内在则持续试图实现他的想***是这些分散的注意力不仅让他在60余年来一直被好莱坞任用,还让他以演员、编剧、导演和制作人的身份成为好莱坞一股重要却难以捉摸的创意力量,特别是在当他的同辈人已经退隐之后仍然有创造力。在沃伦·比蒂的职业生涯中,他获得了许多奖项和荣誉,甚至是娱乐产业从业者能拿到的所有荣誉,但他一直保持着年轻时拥有的希望和野心 。