When small town drifter Sammy Barlach drives into town on the search for his next cold beer and the bunch that'll have him, he gets a lot **** than he bargained for. Food, lodging and the possibility of a better future thanks to redheaded Jamalee and her 77mi.cc brother Jason who dream of hitting the big time. But breaks aren't easy to come by if you live in Venus Holler. Findi...
B仔 2017-03-07
阶级对立有点刻意。其实专注于有前科无法再就业就可以说明很多问题了。女主角美得移不开眼,因此可以说脱离了white trash的设定。有点喜欢这种中间演着演着突然断片的做法,和看起来永远是夏天的时间线一起,加重了影片的魔幻现实主义色彩。