Filmed on-location in London, the FOX cop series Keen Eddie starred Mark Valley as Eddie Arlette, a New York **** police detective. Disgraced and nearly dismissed after a spectacularly botched drug bust, Eddie was ordered to transfer to London's Scotland Yard so that he might rebuild his career from the ground up. Despite a daunting series of setbacks and blunders, Eddie manage...
橙子换马甲 2012-12-02
作为一个彻头彻尾的美国黑还是得说这片太可爱了~男主理想型呆萌美国人,衬托出周围一圈英国人的无聊…咋看都是战斗力负值的渣渣黄**棒永远一副我知道没我什么事就签个到混口盒饭的样子== 据说是Sienna Miller进军美国第一部片,其实她挺可爱的就是长了张令人遗忘的脸,这回看了13集希望能记住==