A crime drama that focused on the lives of the detectives of New York's 65th Precinct. The emphasis in the stories was mostly on real-life crime and the human element. Season one stars were Lt. Dan Muldoon and Det. Jim Halloran; seasons 2-4 stars were Det. Adam Flint and Lt. Mike Parker.
水牛 2021-06-03
Jess 2023-04-24
S02E30 Sweet Prince of Delancey Street - 看之前对本剧一无所知,开头还以为什么cult剧,没想到竟然是一出颇有意思的探案剧,难怪被几十年后的警察群体评为历史最佳,秒杀Law and Order等等等等。Robert Morse戏路其实蛮宽的,演问题青年很有感觉,剧情比他参演的Hitchcock Presents还赞,作为他的影迷还误打误撞看到了Dustin Hoffman的debut。这俩小伙子多年后的地位差距有点大,反过来想,如果Morse没有接How To Succeed也就不会走喜剧路线,也许拍正剧星途更有发展前景哎。。。