Okay... So I'm the first one commenting / rating this movie ? Come on, 豆瓣 you could do better than this ! The movie is very much recommended on ** behalf : it seems much **** realistic than Hollywood trash love stories, and it goes way beyond that category. Appreciated a lot
小厮男瓦西里 2014-09-06
Svolta! 2014-04-04
Okay... So I'm the first one commenting / rating this movie ? Come on, 豆瓣 you could do better than this ! The movie is very much recommended on ** behalf : it seems much **** realistic than Hollywood trash love stories, and it goes way beyond that category. Appreciated a lot
Настя 2021-09-01
东一榔头西一棒子地讲完了一个没头没尾的大男孩成长故事 彼时“有条件”的年轻人追逐**流行文化的氛围或许颇显真实 也有部分俄罗斯观众评论表示 这不是70年代 倒像是90年代 而最后的花剌子模古迹之旅竟让我想起了周慕云与吴哥窟 (另 不是很能理解导演把自己2008年旧作[消失的**]掐头去尾稍作删节 改个名字叫[爱在苏联]重新推出的用心)