Steve Cochran plays the slick, debonair owner of a notorious gossip magazine who is anxious to break a big scandal to reverse a recent decline in sales. He zeroes in on children's entertainer Van Johnson, a decent, stand-up guy who nonetheless has a secret in his past which would most likely end his suddenly flourishing television career if found out. Johnson can save himself a...
Caneloni 2018-05-01
这片能被归到noir下面全因为Cochran的表演和母亲那一枪吧,两样在片中都很违和。这种充斥煽情说教毫无紧张感的情节剧节奏实在太难看了,可能只有在MGM的世界里大家会如此有耐心轮番上阵给反派做思想工作(同样情况参考此导演几年前拍的Rogue Cop)。电视一样单调贫乏的镜头语言看着也很打瞌睡。