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单薄的故事情节和单调的视听语言,光是靠Maurice Chevalier的治愈系笑容也难以挽救。
"If the nightingales could sing like you They'd sing much sweeter than they do For you brought a new kind of love to me"
酒味口香糖,嘁 Cast:我的两个厌恶综合征
WillGoWild 2022-01-01
单薄的故事情节和单调的视听语言,光是靠Maurice Chevalier的治愈系笑容也难以挽救。
Alvin Hubert 2017-12-18
"If the nightingales could sing like you They'd sing much sweeter than they do For you brought a new kind of love to me"
巽凌 2017-02-18
酒味口香糖,嘁 Cast:我的两个厌恶综合征