Javier and Maria live together. Discontent with life in Argentina, they plan to migrate to Miami in search for a better life. Since Maria has a US residency, they hastly marry and she flies ahead. He resigns his ***, sells his car and apartment, and packs his things. On the way to the airport he receives a call from Maria, she doesn´t want him to come over....
L'llariit 2021-05-15
首发**档长片,相比同批有西班牙投资方的阿根廷dramedy里没有多少印象分,Diego peretti鼻子回击整形热
StillAir 2012-04-16
差点被他啰嗦死又被萌到了~大丹可爱🐶 生小狗的镜头估计抢得挺不容易的