新电影集合为您提供Mitten in Deutschland: NSU,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《Mitten in Deutschland: NSU》又名NSU: German History X。
The high-end drama, based on true and current events, explores the story of a far-right German terrorist group called National Socialist Underground, who killed immigrants just after the fall of the Iron Curtain in the 1990s. These events became known as the Bosphorus Serial Murders, and one of the suspected members, Beate Zschäpe, is still on trial today.
Alan Smith 2017-09-16
精简版the killing,加长版zodiac,德版**回忆
犬火 2019-06-25
逆来 2022-03-14
蔡曉貓 2017-02-05
記錄片式拍法,見微知著。***闡述東德下階層青年在柏林圍牆後,第二集有*** schiling ,描述土耳其受害家屬的心情。第三集最驚悚,東西德警察與聯邦調查局之間除制度差異外,埋了伏筆有內*在包庇與殺害新納粹組織的人。