《蓝眼睛的强盗》又名The Blue-Eyed Bandit。
Excellent delitto thriller starring Franco Nero as a middle-aged, brown-eyed cripple who works as an accountant for a bank. Little do his employers realize it's a disguise that he has perfected so that he can rob them blind and in the process flashing his natural blue eyes to throw them off the track. Unfortunately for him his plan isn't quite perfect and suddenly several peopl...
罗西基 2017-06-18
三星: Franco Nero瞒天过海扮猪吃**,整个计划都很成功,可惜差点毁在自己老妈以及一个小混混身上,结尾反套路算是挺给力的。
그 봄은 2024-03-09
代《1980年5月,蓝眼睛的mujizhe》 揭露真相、反抗ducai baozheng的人都是值得尊敬的