《鹈鹕》又名The Pelican。
Blain’s moving portrait of paternal love focuses on jazz musician and new father Paul (Blain), who lands in prison for an illegal scheme undertaken to satisfy his wife’s upwardly-mobile yearnings. Released many years later, Paul discovers that his ex- has remarried to a wealthy man, and begins spying on the new family at their luxurious summer house in Switzerland, hoping to on...
paradiso 2022-01-19
仓舒 2018-07-29
7.28@Metrograph,出乎意料的好,决定趁这个机会能看多少他的片子就看多少。可以看出小津和布列松的影响。难怪Mia Hansen-Løve说Gerard Blain是"the real inheritor of Bresson."
一叶 2019-02-13
静默、卑微,而注定扭曲的深情 - 最佳配角录放机
Evilly ☣ 2019-03-06
法语无字...无字幕! 除了超级基础的bonjour和merci之外都听不懂了...唉。靠着英文简介还是知道在讲些什么。中段感觉像恋童癖**然后掳走少年的感觉。父子相认得真快。由于不懂法语都不知道他们在交流些什么。无法评分,总体的感觉还是有呈现出来的。