Damon Vincenti, a young vineyard worker, has a beautiful tenor voice and dreams of becoming a ***** opera singer. He debuts at Lardelli's Italian restaurant in San Francisco, where he is spotted by Kendall Hale, a society girl who enjoys launching young artists while ****** them her lovers before dumping them after use. Damon is no exception to the rule: he becomes famous but K...
一朵Faye魚 2015-12-14
DuoDuo🐿️ 2022-09-17
这么强大的卡司,who care 剧情😂
megaclaudiolis 2022-01-02
咱也不知道窝曼对音乐人传记有啥特殊的执念,咱也问不着,但是真的好难看啊......numbers无趣冗长,快聋了= = 仅在斗牛表演场面和教堂唱**玛利亚有所触动。白人演奥赛罗真的是我的cinematic阴影,何况男主演技真的好差挤眉弄眼的好像便秘。琼·芳登打电话的戏更好笑,答话基本没有间***话对面是机关枪吗说得那么快的,笑死我了
-- 2014-10-11
改编的太难看了... 琼芳登一般般 比起其他凯恩小说改编的电影女主角琼芳登简直弱爆...