《马特洪峰争夺战》又名The Fight for the Matterhorn、La grande conquista。
Mountaineering drama based on the novel by Carl Haensel: The Italian Carrel and the Englishman Whymper compete for the first ascent of the Matterhorn. Whymper's first group reached the summit, but his companions rush off on the way back, and Whymper is alleged that he had to save himself, cut the rope. Since the loser Carrel rises again on the Matterhorn, is the rope that torn,...
Lycidas 2018-10-09
@TeatroVerdi Live score by Maud Nelissen 攀登的段落印象非常深刻,无论画面还是声音。几近于无的琴声闪现于****,犹如漆黑夜色中倏然亮起的星光。