《匈牙利安魂曲》又名Hungarian Requiem。
In 1956, there was an uprising of Hungarians against their Russian overlords, which the Russians briefly allowed to flower and then ruthlessly suppressed. One suspects that the country's rulers knew about the uprising in advance and permitted it to continue so as to be able to identify who was most actively involved. In this film, it is 1958, and five very different men are wai...
熊仔俠 2014-05-08
陰鬱幽暗的開場讓我誤以為是《契卡》的調子。56匈革的「反動分子」被提前知道自己是絞刑犯。隨著來的便是歇斯底裡和張狂不已的**和幻象。整部電影全然處於快要失控的狀態。手法和元素的混雜,感覺成了80年代末匈牙利電影的寫照。/TVRIP-108 min. full length/
Onceinaredmoon 2023-11-27