As the Lich King's zombie legions ravage the world, Marek, a cursed young sorceress, embarks on a quest to obtain a weapon from the gods, with her friend Dagen, ysgou.cc a self-serving half-elf rogue. But when she joins her sworn enemy in a desperate attempt to save the world, she must recover the good in herself before her friends are all dead, and defeat the Lich King before ...
露。 2018-04-18
wbysxe 2020-01-06
很***一部小众魔幻电影。既然是小成本电影期待就别那么高。特效确实不咋样,但是演技来弥补。摄影角度切换确实不咋样,但是剧情来弥补。如果从第一部认认真真追到现在,喜欢看魔幻电影的人不可能说不好看。 一部关于自我救赎和拯救世界的影片。你的选择究竟何时是正确的?或者说世界上有绝对的正确吗?当你的挚友与你反目,当世界都不相信你时,你能否坚守初心,你能否放下一切,去挽救那些曾伤害过你,现在又被别人伤害的人?