《阴险僧人》又名The Sinister Monk。
Disaster lies over Castle Darkwood. While the castle owner is still fighting his imminent death, the family is already fighting over his heir. Shortly before his death, he changes his will to the benefit of his daughter, who should continue the girls school in the Castle, and his granddaughter Gwendolin, who shall inherit the entire fortune. Both sons go out empty. Thereupon il...
UlyssesJo 2020-05-29
算第二次看krimi 争夺财产 父亲冤案 **团伙 用鞭的僧侣** 虽然还是基于Edgar Wallace的故事 但这部观感明显比之前看的一部好多了 还有真的是在最后揭露真相前一点点我反应过来真凶是谁了orz