"Flag Wars" is a cinema verite documentary that follows the conflicts that arise when *** white professionals move into a black working-class neighborhood. Filmed over a **** years in Columbus, Ohio, "Flag Wars" leads viewers on an eye-opening journey into a divided community
wendy_筒 2014-04-15
A documentary about the conflict of the gentrification of a historic downtown Columbus. It focused on the conflict between GLBT communities and the original residents in the black ghetto.
waholulu 2012-11-12
白昼白 2016-03-30
喜欢穿插叙事的montage。叙述的故事发人深省也惹人同情。有趣的是两个marginalized groups碰撞的时候,并没有任何相互同情的成分。果然in-group和out-group是一条过不去的坎儿。
云深暮 2020-04-20
我才知道Hanhardt是这片的顾问,她其实意见蛮大的,因为片中呈现的主要矛盾聚焦在gentrifier: white *** folks和被gentrified的black heterosexual community,但其实可探讨的角度太多了,哪怕这两层身份也并不一定是互斥的。