‘This Is Vanity’ is the dark and tragic tale of a tiring mother who struggles to protect both herself and her disabled teenage daughter from the continual attacks of local adolescents. Repeatedly rebuffed and frustrated by the authorities, she ultimately turns to a far greater power than can be found on her failing human plane. Winner of Best Drama at Magnolia and Audience Choi...
《遁入虚无》具有前卫而**的影像风格。影片集颜色浓烈而极具表现主义色彩,飘忽的运动镜头以及古怪的*闪效果于一体 。虽然《遁入虚无》在选材上很大胆,然而冗长而乏味的内容却占据了过大的比数。影片在故事开篇体现了叙事的完整性,不过这种叙述显然是以罗伯特·****的黑色电影《湖上艳尸》为模板进行完全主观的效仿。
大蒂*蕾 2013-05-22
咕咕噜 2013-05-25