The three are showgirls, each with a different approach to life and love. Sally wants wealth and gets it finally in Marcus. Mary plots and schemes but winds up with salt-of-the-earth Jimmy. Irene shuns devoted Charles for dashing cad Glen. She learns that all he wants is ***; he throws her out in tears. She returns to Charles, ready to marry, but both are killed by a train. —Ed...
Gracias 2019-03-07
巽凌 2022-12-25
#** People Are In Oil — So's Sardines# Wish Someone Would Address Me As 'Youth Untouched':裂了缝的眼角就是裂了缝的镜子,不管怎样努力最后都会碎掉(怎样评价现在的人际关系,想透风喘口气,但又像是被火车撞过那样 — It Ain't Coming,It's Going) Cast:默女Constance Bennett(厌恶综合征 );默女Sally O'Neil;默女Joan Crawford(厌恶综合征);默男William Haines P.S.即使穿着最新的秀款,也不过像是把华丽的绳索绑在一根毫无生气的柱子上(外面还在下雨,真是毫无**)
西瓜露子 2024-07-26
Lycidas 2019-11-24
@Teatro Verdi 三条路,三种人生,showgirl的欢笑泪水,都埋在舞台耀眼的光晕之中。pianoforte Donald Sosin, Guitar Jim Hershman, double bass Romano Todesco, percussions Lorena Ruiz Trejo