《马槽里的狗》又名Dog on the Hay。
An Eifel Tower in art,10/10 This beautiful film is a true classic with all the actors each in their zenith of acting and the director being perhaps one of the best in Soviet times. This masterpiece can even be put close to the 1979 "Tot samyy Myunkhgauzen" which, undoubtedly, is the crown of achievable art. With unforgettable music and just amazing acting, Sobaka will spellboun...
鸽子L. 2025-02-06
Freddie Lee 2025-02-01
苏联拍的西班牙名剧,中文可以译为《占着茅坑不**》 *化道华丽丽的巴**风格,而且很精致严谨 音乐歌曲也模仿巴**时期的音乐风格,挺像那么回事 布景很精致,营造了一种舞台艺术片和电影之间的模糊感,很恰当 讽刺**们惺惺作态和情感儿戏的剧本,演员们的表演上也是假惺惺的,造作的,刻意的,表现上出乎意料的贴合 巴****啰嗦的宫廷礼仪太滑稽了,很有喜感