《科隆上尉》又名The Captain from Cologne、科伦上尉。
"Der Hauptmann von Köln" is a DEFA propaganda comedy movie that deals with faschist networks in postwar West-Germany. Main character is the waiter Hans Albert Hauptmann who accidentally runs into a meeting of ex-Wehrmacht combatants. They mistake him with a high nazi officer and he is considered to be just returned from his exile in Argentina. He does not clarify his identity s...
只抓住6个 2019-09-15
[] 2019-11-04
[东德]彩色/外挂英文字幕SRT;本片荣获德意志****国1957年度国家奖金的讽刺喜剧电影剧本。 电影梗概:故事设定在二战结束后的西德,一个寻找临时工作的年轻人,被误为战犯,列入战犯名单、且刚从国外回来的陆军上尉。他受到**分子的欢迎,平步青云,最后竟当上了联邦议院的议员。结局是,被拆穿后,只能按不是战犯而冒充 战犯被判了五年徒刑。