《武器》又名English: Weapon。
Hathyar is a narrative which probes into the household of Raghunath (Sanjay Dutt), a dreaded gangster. His bereaved son Rohit (Sanjay Dutt) has to face a lot of flak from the outside world, repeatedly reminding him of the stigma attached to his family because of his father's past. Just like his father, circumstances force Rohit to become a gangster and he gets the name Boxer Bh...
***小说改编,表演和摄影均非常称职,作者不喜欢“明亮”的结局,但正处于大萧条的美国观众却爱不释手。片中有大量不同风格的冲撞,尤其是默片时期的表现主义和有声片的写实同时出现在布景和表演中,有一种特殊的不和谐 。
Ankhon 2020-04-28