Mutantes: Féminisme Porno Punk在线观看

Mutantes: Féminisme Porno Punk

  • 上映年代:2009  
  • 别名:Mutantes: Punk Porn Feminism
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:法国
  • 更新时间:

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《Mutantes: Féminisme Porno Punk》又名Mutantes: Punk Porn Feminism。

Is pornography an acceptable form of expression - and if so, can distinctions be drawn between different forms of pornography? This documentary raises all of these questions, seeking to provide the answers from the perspective of pro-*** feminism, which asserts that pornography must be wrested from patriarchal control, and that in the hands of women and sexual minorities, it ca...


纳斯提 2015-10-31

女性有权出卖自己的身体,与任何人无关,可以出演****但不是为了讨好任何人。punk and gender fluidity flow into each other

啫哩啊 2011-10-22

無論是耽于**縱還是沉迷進攻的**,Feminism鼓勵女性勇於做想做的自己,這應該是Feminism的重要philosophy吧。非常適合社會學學生觀看,而且在場十分多社會學學生們哈哈哈哈。@新光影城 女性影展